Cellular stability a key to health – Jacksonville Journal-Courier

Dear Readers,

Most of you probably have heard of antioxidants and that they are good for you, but what exactly are they? The word “antioxidant” is a chemistry term that simply means “prevention of oxidation,” which is the transfer of tiny, electrically charged particles known as electrons.

Antioxidants protect us from free radicals, which damage our cells and lead to diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Free radicals result from food digestion, everyday cellular activity, and outside sources such as smoking and air pollution. Free radicals are unstable molecules that wish to become stable. In attempting to do so, they rob another cell of an electron needed for stability. The cell that has been robbed now is susceptible to damage.

Studies on the role of antioxidants and disease prevention have produced mixed results. In the Women’s Health Study, more than 39,000 women took 600 IU of vitamin E or placebo every other day for 10 years. At the end of the study, the rates of stroke, heart attack and cancer were no lower among those taking vitamin E than among those who took the placebo. However, there was a significant 24% reduction in death from stroke and heart attack.

There was another large study of beta-carotene supplementation in men who were heavy smokers. The study had to be stopped early because there was a significant increase in lung cancer among those taking the supplement versus those taking the placebo.

Antioxidants in their natural food state may have health benefits that are not found when taking them in supplement form. A possible explanation of this is the x factor. When consuming foods that contain antioxidants, one also gets the fiber and other nutrients in that food that are not found in a supplement. The x factor could be that a combination of nutrients have a health benefit. Or the x factor could been a factor that has not yet been identified. Remember, the science of nutrition is in its infancy and there is a lot that hasn’t been figured out yet.

Listed below are particular antioxidants and their food sources:

Vitamin C — oranges, grapefruit, lemons, cantaloupe, kohlrabi, broccoli

Vitamin E — nuts and seeds

Beta-carotene — carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, winter squash, cantaloupe

Polyphenols — red grapes, red wine, coffee, chocolate, legumes

Lutein — spinach, kale, egg yolk

Selenium — beef, pork, turkey, fish, chicken, shellfish, nuts, seeds, soy products

Manganese — pineapple, nuts, beans, spinach

What we do know is that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and lean proteins, along with a healthy body weight, are our best bet for staying healthy.

Good health to you!

Dear Dietitian