CBD Oils For Arthritis Pain: How Effective Is It? – Longevity LIVE

According to the Arthritis Foundation (AF), approximately 300,000 children and 54 million adults in the United States have either been diagnosed with arthritis or some other type of rheumatic disease that causes joint pain.

The AF views the total and true count is likely to be 91.2 million in total if you include yet-to-be diagnosed arthritis cases. To make matters even worse, this number is expected to grow by a staggering 49 percent by 2040. It is also worth noting here that an estimated two-thirds of Canadians who use cannabis for medicinal purposes do so to help manage arthritis symptoms.

Symptoms And Types of Arthritis

The most debilitating and precarious symptoms experienced by arthritis patients include stiffness, pain, redness, reduced range of motion and swelling. The three arthritis primary types – osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, and gout arthritis – damage the health and quality of joints in different ways.

Across the world, scientists in collaboration with researchers and pharmaceutical companies are trying to find a miracle drug to cure this severe health condition. Meanwhile, the treatment has been right in front of us for some time – Cannabidiol Oil.

man with cbd oil in shirt pocket

What Is Cannabidiol Oil?

Cannabidiol Oil has been hyped as the “Holy Grail” for everything — from depression to anxiety and so much more. Besides, CBD oil is effective for arthritis symptoms as well. Known as hemp oil or cannabidiol oil, CBD is recommended by scientists and researchers to be the best treatment option for patients who are diagnosed with severe health conditions such as arthritis. CBD oil for pain is known to provide quick relief without any side effects. Also, it treats patients who are struggling with health conditions such as fibromyalgia, depression, stress, multiple anxiety disorders, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.

What Does The Research Say?

✔      In 2006, the first controlled trial for evaluating the use of cannabis-based medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was conducted. Five weeks into the trial, it was concluded that Sativex (the cannabis-based medication) significantly improved pain and greatly reduced inflammation. Participants of the trial also reported dramatic improvements in the quality of sleep.

✔      The use of CBD for treating chronic pain was studied by a 2008 review. It was concluded that CBD could improve sleep and reduce pain without any side effects.

✔      In 2016, a study was conducted on rats using CBD gels. It was concluded by the researchers that the cannabidiol gel minimized both inflammation and joint pain without causing any side effects.

How Do CBD Oils Work?

Cannabidiol oils have the capability to simulate a positive effect on brain activity but not in the same way as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. CBD oil interacts with Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) and Cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2) to minimize the effects of inflammation and pain. Primarily, CB1 and CB2 receptors are involved with emotional output, movement, coordination, and the immune system.

It is worthwhile to note here that CB2 plays a critical role in human immune response. Rheumatoid arthritis influences the immune system to attack the tissue in the joints. Pathways to the CB2 receptors become activated by the cannabis, leading to a reduction of pain and inflammation. CB2 receptors send signals to the human brain to minimize inflammation in joints. This relationship of CB2 with the immune system is why CBD works well for symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD help in stopping or slowing down the progression of rheumatoid arthritis that can otherwise cause permanent damage to the joints over a period of time. The best thing about CBD oils is that they are natural and are non-psychoactive entirely.

cannabis leaves resting on hand

How To Choose The Best CBD Treatment?

Cannabidiol comes in different forms, including topical ointments, honey-infusions, extracts, edibles, and capsules. It is extremely important that you have a word with your medical practitioner, who may – upon a careful and comprehensive evaluation of your medical history – recommend a high-quality CBD oil for arthritis.

Always make it a point to buy the best CBD oils from a reputed online CBD pharmacy so that you can be assured of getting the best value for your money. Moreover, you should never exceed the recommended dosages of CBD oil.

Remember, no drug or medicine in this world is safe when abused. By using CBD oil responsibly, you can enjoy good health.