How To Use Marijuana Oil For Cancer – A Patient’s Guide – – VENTS Magazine

In most states in the U.S. and other countries that have legalized marijuana, CBD oil is approved for the management of cancer. There are lots of links between cannabis oil and cancer symptoms management, but still, more research needs to be conducted.

More countries are legalizing marijuana, especially medical marijuana, for use in the management of chronic and mental health conditions such as PTSD. Read on to learn more about the use of marijuana oil for cancer.

Understand What The Research Says

Can you use CBD oil to prevent cancer or manage the symptoms of cancer? A review conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on the link between cannabis and cancer found that the results of numerous studies show mixed results.

A study conducted found out that taking marijuana does not heighten the risk of tobacco-related cancers. However, the same study found that male users of cannabis who have no history with tobacco had a higher risk of prostate cancer. The use of CBD oil was found to lower the chances of bladder cancer by up to 45 percent, according to a study conducted in 2015.

While smoking marijuana still produces carcinogens that might cause cancer, some so many people take marijuana, preventing cancer. Again, though the link between CBD oil and chemotherapy is still inconclusive, many doctors around the world recommend its use to manage the symptoms.

Ingesting CBD extract or taking marijuana through other means other than smoking does not expose the body to harmful carcinogens, and this reduces the chances of causing cancer and instead increases the benefits of marijuana.

Cannabis Is Complementary: Do Not Stop Your Conventional Treatment

If you are using marijuana oil for cancer, you are probably just supplementing opioids or other pain medications that the doctor prescribed. When pain becomes unbearable after chemotherapy, the doctor might recommend CBD oil instead of the habit-forming opioids. When using marijuana oil for cancer, you might not get the “high” that comes with using cannabis since CBD does not have THC (cannabis content that produces the feeling of “high”). As such, it is a safer option to habit-forming opioids. Since marijuana only manages the symptoms and does not cure, you do not need to substitute your prescription medicine with it. Find a safe way to take marijuana on and get started.

Current Research Says Cannabis Only Helps Manage Symptoms, Not Cure You

Currently, there are no major trials investigating claims of marijuana preventing cancer or curing the disease. Small pilot studies investigating the best strain for fighting cancer found that marijuana might prove to be successful in fighting cancer in the future. The study found that the best strain for fighting cancer can inhibit the growth of some types of cancers in both test tubes and live animals. However, the studies are still inconclusive.

However, most research today focuses on the link between CBD oil and chemotherapy symptoms’ prevention. Most strains will only interact with the nervous system to reduce pain, the feeling of nausea, and increase appetite.

Cannabis Oil And Cancer: How Can It Help?

There are three ways that cannabis helps manage the symptoms of marijuana:

Restoring Appetite

After undergoing chemotherapy, most people experience nausea that comes with a lack of appetite. When one is feeling nauseated, and with no appetite, it is challenging for them to maintain a healthy weight.

When you ingest cannabis, and it gives you THC, and other cannabinoids to your blood will stimulate your appetite. CBD alone does not have the effect of stimulating appetite without THC.

Reducing Nausea

One link between CBD oil and chemotherapy is that it reduces the feeling of nausea and associated vomiting. However, to minimize the feeling of nausea, patients need to take THC in cannabis rather than cannabis oil. THC causes and a “high,” and patients should gear up for the psychoactive effects of the drug. Again, unlike cannabis oil and cancer treatment, THC is habit-forming, and you need to speak to a doctor before you use the product. The good news is, you only need low doses of THC to find relief. A doctor can prescribe synthetic versions of THC to avoid the side effects of natural THC from cannabis.

CBD Oil And Chemotherapy: Pain Relief

The pain that comes with cancer and chemotherapy might be so severe that opioids do not work anymore. This pain is a result of inflammation or nerve injury, among other associated conditions. When you take CBD oil, it acts of CB2 receptors, which in turn helps reduce throughout the body. The THC in cannabis acts on the CB1 receptors to relieve pain that results from nerve damage.

How To Use Marijuana Oil For Cancer

There are many ways to use marijuana oil, but you need a few precautions first. Note that THC is habit-forming and may cause some adverse side effects such as schizophrenia. As such, you need to take the right dose of marijuana, preventing cancer, so you do not stimulate the harmful side effects.

Make Sure Cannabis Is Legal In Your Area

Check the laws of your country on the legalization of marijuana and how you need to take it. Marijuana might be partially or fully legal.

Work With Your Doctor To Find The Right Strain

The best strain for fighting cancer will depend on the symptoms you need to shun. For instance, Blackberry Kush and Harlequin strains are great for pain, Northern lights and Blueberry diesel for nausea, and Bubba Kush and Granddaddy Purple for appetite loss. The doctor will help you choose the right strain.

Common Ingestion Methods


Smoking is the fastest method of ingesting Cannabis, but it produces carcinogens that might harm you further. The effects of hitting a joint are experienced almost immediately. For the first time, only puff three or four times and wait for about ten minutes.


Edibles are baked food with cannabutter (a fusion of cannabis oil and butter). The effect of cannabis from these food items takes at least one hour to set in. For the first time, take small portions at a time.


Vaping involves burning herbs of buds to produce vapor. The effects of vaping take between 5 minutes and 30 minutes to set in. Puff only a few times for the first time and increase the dose as your tolerance increases.


These are concentrated forms of cannabis oil that you can place under your tongue or rub on your skin. You only need a few drops for the first time.


Dabbing is taking a concentrated form of marijuana heated on a hot surface and then taken from a dab rig.


More research is needed to ascertain the benefits or effects of marijuana in the treatment of cancer. With the legalization of marijuana in Canada and other parts of the world, more clinical research will now be carried out to show the link between cannabis oil and cancer.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal or medical advice. The writer will not be liable for how you use the information. Consult a doctor before smoking weed or essential herbs and consider the state or federal laws of your country of residence.